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Fine-tuning with Keras and Deep Learning

Fine-tuning with Keras and Deep Learning

Fine-tuning with Keras and Deep Learning

This article explains how to use transfer learning with Keras and deep learning to improve model accuracy.

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Transfer learning is a type of machine learning that allows a model to be trained on a large dataset and then used to solve another problem. In this article, the author explains how to use transfer learning with Keras and deep learning. By using Keras, a deep learning library, the author is able to use a pre-trained model to quickly solve a problem. The author explains how to use the pre-trained model and how to fine-tune it for better accuracy. The author also provides a code example to show how to use transfer learning with Keras. Transfer learning can be used to quickly solve problems with deep learning. It can be used to train a model on a large dataset and then use the model to solve another problem. Keras is a deep learning library that can be used to quickly solve problems using transfer learning. The author provides a code example that shows how to use transfer learning with Keras. By fine-tuning the pre-trained model, the accuracy of the model can be improved. Transfer learning is a useful tool for quickly solving problems with deep learning.

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